Lynne Hartwell
~Return to Balance~
There are several events happening throughout the month, scroll down the page to view all events.

Super September Savings!
Due to popular demand, I've extended the special rates for all of my Energy Healing
or Psychic Reading Sessions.
In person sessions:
All 60 minute sessions, take off 15%
All 90 minute sessions, take off 20%
All 120 minute sessions, take off 25%
Over the phone/Skype Psychic Reading or
Spiritual Guidance (your Life's Path) sessions:
Receive a Psychic Reading or Spiritual Guidance from the comfort of your own home.
30 minutes= $40
60 minutes=$70
90 minutes=$110
Choose from any of these services offered:
(Sorry-due to the nature of the session, EssentialBlissTM or
Transformational Energy Healing sessions are only available in person)
-NEW! EssentialBlissTM Session
Relaxing and Rejuvenating medicinal grade essential oil treatment (featuring Wisdom of the Earth) enhanced with Sound Vibration. Ideal for those seeking greater relaxation and/or stress reduction
-Transformational Energy Healing
Combination of Sound Vibrational Healing, Medicinal Grade Essential Oils, Crystal & Gemstone healing energy, and releasing of emotional/physical/spiritual blocks. Ideal for a more complete level of Healing for deeper set issues at the physical, emotional or spiritual level.
-Psychic Intuitive Readings
Sacred Geometry Daily Affirmation Cards, Messages from you Spiritual Guides,
Past Life Journeys, Animal Communication.
-Spiritual Guidance
Overcoming Obstacles, Becoming more Spiritual or Positive in your Life,
Developing your Intuition, Navigating Spirituality in a Chaotic or Negative World, etc.
E. Windsor: 3A Pasco Drive-Sun, Wed, Fri & Sat (dates/times located in upper right section of this event notice)
Tolland: 129 Tolland Stage Road- 1st & 3rd Thursdays 1PM-7PM or by special appointment
Other dates/times possible depending on availability-please call/txt for details: (617) 872-6399
I still offer sessions in E. Hartford: 966 Tolland St. Call/txt for availability: (617) 872-6399.
To book an appointment, call/txt:
(617) 872-6399
Live too far away? We can work via phone/skype!
Tolland CT:
Sept 14, 28 2PM-5PM
129 Tolland Stage Rd
E. Hartford CT:
By appointment only
966 Tolland St
E. Windsor CT:
Wed, Fri, Sat 4PM-7 PM
Sun 10AM-4PM
3A Pasco Dr
Don't see a time/location that fits your schedule? Call/txt me! I can make special times to suit your needs.
Call/txt for appointment: (617) 872-6399

Raq Your Chakras!
Combining basic Bellydance movements
with aligning and balancing your chakras
Raqs Sharqi is a form of Bellydance that celebrates the beauty of the human body. What is not so commonly known is that Bellydance is an excellent form of fitness for all body types, ages, and physical ability AND helps to balance the body’s Chakras at the same time!
Join Lynne Hartwell as we learn basic Bellydance movements, learn how the movements are connected to each chakra, and have a lot of FUN in the process!
Lynne has been performing, learning and teaching Bellydance since 2003. She has learned from many inspirational Professional Dancers & Instructors and she shares her love of the Art with others.
Can be done standing or sitting.
(optional-there will be pretty coin hip-scarves to wear during class)
Sat Sept 9
399 Franklin Ave
Hartford, CT
RSVP (617) 872-6399
Suggested donation $10.00

Earth Crystal Medicine:
The Fall Equinox, Intense Energy,
and You
We have also been experiencing many powerful energetic shifts this past spring and summer (Eclipses, retrogrades, and Vibrational shifting of the Earth's Crystalline Grid and Bio-Magnetic Poles). Many of us feel fatigued, plagued with odd or sudden illnesses, or that our life is spinning out of control.
The Fall Equinox also heralds a time of Balance-Balance of Light and Darkness. This is also significant of a Time of Inner Journeying, and of maintaining the Balance within ourselves in our own Life's Journey.
Crystals and Gemstones are very well designed to help us re-balance our energy, re-connect within ourselves or with our life's direction and path, and harmonize with the powerful energetic shifts that has affected EVERYTHING on our planet over the past 6 months.
What is included:
Discussion of the Direction of Earth's Energy and what that means for us
How to intuitively choose your Personal Crystal or Gemstone to work with
Crystal/Gemstone Activation and Harmonizing with your own energy & the Earth
Special Fall Equinox Guided Meditation Journey with your Personal Crystal or Gemstone
All materials included, including Personal Crystal/Gemstone
Thurs, Sept 14
7-9 PM
Unicorn Meadow Farm
1349 Spruce St
Suffield CT
All materials included
RSVP Required
(860) 668-6424

Plant Earth Medicine:
Heightening your Spiritual Healing Journey
Deepen your ability to Connect within yourself, with others and with the Earth using Plant & Tree Essences.
This is the NEXT LEVEL of Health, Healing and Well-Being. This is the ANCIENT formula of Connecting at the Soul level, where we go beyond "treating the symptoms" and address the root causes of what blocks us or holds us back, Spiritually, physically, emotionally.
You will develop greater intuitive abilities ("listening within"), and learn Ancient methods of living more consciously- Living in the Heart and not the head (Heart Conscious Living). This is also an introduction to working with Plant Earth Medicine and working with Plant & Tree Consciousness and our Spiritual Healing Path.
What is included:
• How to Connect more deeply with your Higher Consciousness, and your Spiritual Journey
• Interactive sessions using several types of Essences (this is FUN!!!)
• How to intuitively choose the right Essence, Connect with the Plant or Tree, and participate in a Guided Meditation
• Bring home a sample of the essence that "called" to you, and methods that effectively work in keeping you on your Spiritual Path
$30.00-all materials included
Fri, Sept 15
7:00-9:00 PM
Solstice Strategy Partners
129 Tolland Stage Rd
Tolland CT
All materials included
RSVP Required
(617) 872-6399

Spiritual Psychic Readings
At the Big E!
I will be joining Earth Angel Designs, Founded by the insanely talented Wendy Birchall, this year at the Big E.
Readings can include:
Sacred Geometry Empowerment Card Readings (New!)
Messages from Spiritual Guides & Angels
Crystals & Gemstone Energy Readings and Past Life Journeys
Earth Angel Designs has held a booth at the Big E every year and has a large draw and following there. Please feel free to drop in and peruse the many wonderful offerings she has created or sells.
If you happen to be there on a day I'm reading, def stop in! You can make your reservation when you visit the booth.
(Earth Angel Design booth located behind Old Schoolhouse on the Tavern Green)
Dates are as follows:
Saturday, Sept 16=noon-9PM
Monday, Sept 18=5-9PM
Thurs, Sept 21=5-9PM
Tues, Sept 26=5-9PM
Friday, Sept 29=noon-9PM
Various Dates and times-see description for details
Big E
1305 Memorial Ave, West Springfield, MA
(Earth Angel Design booth located behind Old Schoolhouse on the Tavern Green)

Peace Through Connection
Join us as we participate in events that raise our Personal Vibration and Strengthen our Connection within ourselves, with each other, and with the other Communities on our planet
Sunday, September 17 9AM-4PM
$80.00 (includes all materials) Early Bird fee by Sept 10th
or $120 after Sept 10th.
All of us face growing change and uncertainty on a Global scale, and the Universal Role we have may be unclear or constantly shifting.
A Unique Opportunity for the Light Workers, Holistic Practitioners & Professionals, and those who are Consciously Aware. Come together for a full day of Inspiration, Centering and Connection. Build new friendships and deepen those already established.
What is Included:
Some activities will be outside, weather dependent.
All activities will be brought indoors if conditions are not favorable
Interactive Conversations that inspire us to attain our High Vibration
Connection Within: Soulful Labyrinth Meditation Journey
Connection with Earth: Re-connect through the Power of the Medicine Wheel
Connection with Universe: Creating an Energy Grid using Activated Crystals, Plant Essences and Materials, and Ocean Shells in a Sacred Geometric Pattern.
CommUNITY exercises that strengthen the bond of the group
Please note: we will be sharing a special OPTIONAL Community Potluck Dinner together at the end of the event. Everyone bring a dish to share-this should be one of your favorite dishes or something special to your family or to yourself. Please let me know what you’re bringing so we don’t duplicate items.
Pre-Payment and Reservations Required:
sorry no admittance without prior registration
Please Call or txt Lynne (617) 872-6399
Payments made via PayPal (via lynnehartwell@comcast.net)
Sun Sept 17
$80.00 early bird special
(Pre-Pay & Register by Sept 10
$120 after Sept 10
Unicorn Meadow Farm
1349 Spruce St
Suffield CT
All materials included
RSVP Required
(860) 668-6424

Cosmic Connections
Held twice a month (usually)
Unsure what a session with me would be like? Come in and experience a shorter version of different types of Healing or Psychic Readings that are available.
EssentialBlissTM Aromatherapy Sessions
A greater Healing Experience combining Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils with Soothing Sound Vibration.
Receive an experience of complete bliss through the application of 100% pure therapeutic grade essential oils (featuring Wisdom of the Earth) that is complimented with a full Sound Vibrational Healing session.
Sessions are 30 or 60 minutes long.
Spiritual Readings (Psychic Readings)
Spiritual Readings are designed to bring balance at the physical, emotional,
spiritual level. In doing this we are better able to manifest into our lives what we
truly intend, bringing a brighter, happier future.
Readings can include:
Messages from spiritual guides or angels
Body~Mind~Spirit balance with Crystals & Gemstones
Understanding better current situation & choices that are available to you
Exploring past lives
Sessions are 20, 30, 40, and 60 minutes long.
All sessions & all modalities are $1.00/min
Wed Sept 20
Sun Sept 24
Unicorn Meadow Farm
1349 Spruce St
Suffield CT
Call ahead or drop in
(860) 668-6424

Alternative Medicine Healing or Psychic Reading Sessions at
Avant Garde!
All 60 minute sessions, take off 15% All 90 minute sessions, take off 20%All 120 minute sessions, take off 25%
-EssentialBlissTM Aromatherapy Sessions
A greater Healing Experience combining Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils with Soothing Sound Vibration.
Receive an experience of complete bliss through the application of 100% pure therapeutic grade essential oils (featuring Wisdom of the Earth) that is complimented with a full Sound Vibrational Healing session.
-Transformational Energy Healing
Combination of Sound Vibrational Healing, Medicinal Grade Essential Oils, Crystal & Gemstone healing energy, and releasing of emotional/physical/spiritual blocks. Ideal for a more complete level of Healing for deeper set issues at the physical, emotional or spiritual level.
Sessions are 60, 90 or 120 minutes long.
-Psychic Intuitive Readings
Daily Affirmation Cards, Messages from you Spiritual Guides,
Past Life Journeys, Animal Communication.
-Spiritual Guidance
Overcoming Obstacles, Becoming more Spiritual or Positive in your Life,
Developing your Intuition, Navigating Spirituality in a Chaotic or Negative World, etc.
Sessions are 20, 30, 40, and 60 minutes long.
Sat Sept 30
10:00AM-5:00 PM
Avant Garde Center
for Wellness
328 East Main St Branford CT
Call ahead or drop in
(203) 481-8443